What is childhood trauma? How do you become traumatised? | dengem

What is childhood trauma? How do you become traumatised?

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What is trauma?

There are many types of trauma and traumatic experiences. Everyone reacts differently to situations. One of the first things to understand about childhood trauma is that there is no clear cause and effect relationship. This means that not every stressful event must result in immediate trauma. Alternatively, the impact of the same event may be different for each individual.

This explains why we all remember and interpret childhood events differently. The best example of this is your siblings who grew up in the same family. Even though you were raised by the same parents and exposed to the same traumatic situations, you react differently.

What are the factors that contribute to trauma?

If you think about your upbringing, an uncomfortable look, not being recognised and neglected, not getting what you want or losing a race can have serious consequences. You do not have to experience major life events to be traumatised. You may have accepted extremely disturbing and massive events as normal at times. You feel traumatised because of the meaning you attach to the event, not the event itself.

In general, the following situations can lead to trauma:

  • Sexual or physical abuse
  • Domestic violence
  • bullying
  • Violence in the neighbourhood or at school
  • natural disasters
  • Death of a loved one
  • Negligence
  • accidents
  • Illness
What is childhood trauma? How do you become traumatised? | dengem

These are likely to cause trauma in young people. However, how parents deal with these events will determine the severity of the trauma. Your life events may not be similar to those on this list, but they may still be painful for you.

Think about how you dealt with your trauma as a child. Trauma can affect a child’s life in many ways, including bed-wetting, speech problems, constant crying and fussiness, behavioural problems, social skills, school failure, nail biting and anxiety.


How can childhood trauma affect adults?

Childhood trauma can have long-term effects in adulthood. Your traumas can affect your love relationships, social life, communication style, personality, work and decision-making. If you think you had a traumatic childhood and that these experiences continue to affect your life, it may be beneficial to seek help at this stage.


Psychologists and psychiatrists who specialise in trauma can help you with therapy and counselling.

Do not let trauma take away from your happiness and quality of life.

Take care of your soul with dengem, because you are important to us.

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